Candela and blanche ruby and weiss
Candela and blanche ruby and weiss

candela and blanche ruby and weiss

How can Ruby and Weiss read this so easily? "Weird.A new collaboration has been finalized between Pokémon GO and the Pokémon Trading Card Game. "Hey, I can read it too!" Ruby says, equally surprised. Ruby heard Weiss read the text, and worked herself to scoot over beside her partner. "Disturb not the harmony of fire, ice, or lightning, lest these titans wreak destruction upon the world in which they clash." "It's a stone tablet, lined with indecipherable characters." It took some difficulty, but she was able to barely make out an object sitting on a marble pedestal between the two cages. "Hey, what's this?" Weiss suddenly called out. Her eyes look over to the side and something caught her eyes. Weiss frowned they shouldn't be imprisoned like this. "And the Phoenix." It had its head bowed, as if it had resigned to its fate. She turned her head to the other side as the yellow bird screeched just as angirly.

candela and blanche ruby and weiss

"The Thunderbird," Weiss uttered at the sight of the yellow bird as it cawed and crowed angrily. It flapped its massive wings and pecked at the cage, but like with the others, the barrier was to strong for it to break free. The Thunderbird, Zapdos, on the other hand was fighting tooth and nail against its cage and cawing continuously. They recognized it as the Phoenix, Moltres, the bird from the statues they came across. In the first one was a calm bird with cream colored feathers, a sharp beak, and flames roaring across its back and wings. Everyone turned to see two other barrier cages sat on pedestals before them, with a place for a third that was empty. "Look!" Beatrice pointed over at the cage, her voice loud enough to stop Ruby, Yang, and Candela from what they were doing. She recognized angels and gladiators, but she wasn't adept in that style of paintings to understand the concept. Above them, the high domed roof was painted to resemble a renaissance art style. Items like swords, shields, old documents, ancient statues, and various other things she either couldn't recognize or didn't have the mental patience to study them. Many of the relics and artifacts she saw decorated the walls, or were kept on display in large glass cases. The room was massive in scope, resembling an ancient church in Beatrice's opinion. Weiss stood behind them, doing as Beatrice does and examining their surroundings. She kept her distance as far as the barrier can give, using Spark as a human shield in case the dog ever got hungry. Blake got the unlucky end of the stick and managed to get herself stuck with the giant dog. Ten feet to her left were Spark, Candela, Blake, Blanche, Manaphy, and Arcanine. While the three women pounded and cursed at the barrier, Beatrice Froste took the time to turn her blue eyes away from them and examined the room they were contained it. Even if everyone attempted to help, it would have the same effect. The energy simply rippled with each hit against it. Even through all of that, their attempts were to no avail. They smacked, punched, kicked the barrier, and cursed with such vulgarity that even the normally stoic Winter blushed. There was no reply, but that didn't stop the three women from trying again. She had to keep herself from using her semblance, Heatwave, because it'd actually do more harm than good.

candela and blanche ruby and weiss

"Show yourself, coward!!" Candela resorted to shouting obscenities instead of beating against the barrier. "We know you can hear us!! Get out here so we can kick your ass!!" Yang was also beating against the barrier, about close to using Ember Celica to blast the barrier down. "Hey!! Let us out of here!!" Ruby screamed, smashing her fists against the energy barrier.

Candela and blanche ruby and weiss